My mission is to provide a point of current education and treatment options around first and second-line physiotherapy treatment options for hip and knee OA patients. I have been offering programs since their arrival to us and very much enjoy equipping patients with these tools to better self-manage their symptoms. With the recent growth of telehealth options, I am pleased that I can broaden my reach to include offering program participation to interested patients living anywhere in BC.
Physiotherapist M.Sc. PT, C Gunn IMS, FCAMPT
Sport Physiotherapy Canada Diploma Holder
Registered International Sport Physical Therapist
Private Practice Co – Owner, Form Physiotherapy
Osteoarthritis-related certifications:
Certified GLAD Canada provider
Certified PEAK provider
A 30 year career gives time for a few chapters. In addition to my OA focus, my chapters have included a long and, hopefully, never-finished chapter in high performance sport and the opportunity to complete a Masters' thesis with a focus on shoulder injuries.
Establishing a private practice 17 years ago was a pivotal change in how I deliver my patient care. Our practice, Form Physiotherapy was one of the first in Vancouver to offer one-on-one treatment sessions where thorough assessment and treatment, clear goal-setting and patient education and empowerment could be prioritized.
A physiotherapy career is rich in learning and professional community. I have pursued the Canadian Physiotherapy Association's top designations for orthopaedic and sport physiotherapy and been lucky to have meaningful volunteer opportunities, including serving two terms as Sport Physiotherapy Canada's National Chairperson. Newer ventures include delivering learning opportunities to UBC School of Medicine Family Practice Residents.
Along the way, what drew me to becoming a physiotherapist remains the same. I simply really enjoy helping people to maintain better overall health by helping them remain or become active in ways that are meaningful to them.
It is in this context that the hip and knee OA patients have always existed within my caseload. Typically they have arrived at my office in search of strategies to improve their quality of life and perhaps avoid joint surgery. But with their expectations set very low. The recent arrival of a highly evidence-based treatment stream and first-line treatment programs, such as GLAD and PEAK, have, in my opinion, represented a paradigm shift in how we will manage hip and knee OA going forward. As I tell my patients now, if you're going to be diagnosed with OA, it's the best time to do so.